
Weekend Update!

Friday night, Justin and I ventured to Houston for a visit with my friend, Ashley. I missed out on a birthday party for Ivette back in Austin (though I got quite an interesting call on my cell phone from two individuals that I have saved. Hahaha… that was pretty hilarious) but I still had a good time in Houston.

Saturday was spent doing too much shopping. We started at the Galleria where I purchased some clothing at Nordstrom’s, The Limited, and Ann Taylor Loft (PLEASE LOVE OF GOD OPEN ONE IN AUSTIN) while Justin wandered aimlessly throughout the mall.

Justin decided to go from kiosk to kiosk to humor the hard-working individuals of T-Mobile and some gimmicky nail booth. For example, Justin was walking by, and was asked, “Have you ever heard of the Dead Sea,” quickly followed by, “Do you believe in magic?” Then they tested their product on his middle finger (how appropriate) and tried to convince him to purchase it first for himself, then when he wasn’t going waiver, for me.

At the T-Mobile booth, the guy asked him if he was a UT grad and they just talked about random stuff for five minutes. Then the guy asked him if he wanted a new phone. Justin’s phone is really a mini computer that his company paid for and pays for part of his cell service. Once Justin said that, the guy was like, well, um, have a great day. Haha.

After the Galleria, we went to a baseball card shop where Justin blew about $135. He can never complain about how much I spend on clothing ever again. He keeps telling me that his stuff appreciates over time, is worth money, etc., but Justin never plans to actually sell these things, so that argument is a tad moot.

We ate at this place called Lupe’s Tortillas, and I took a picture of the menu because it was funny, but I don’t have a way to upload my pics, so I’ll get them up this evening.

For dinner we were going to eat at this place called Benjy’s in the Rice Village, but because they are assholes we ended up eating at Katz’s, which was cool, but they have one in Austin, so not that unique to me. We called Benjy’s around 3 p.m. to make a reservation, but since we had to watch the final minutes of the Florida/George Mason game (which ended up being a blow out), they told us that we didn’t need to make one.

So we get there, and of course they tell us the wait is an hour. Why tell us to come on in without a reservation because “there won’t be much of a wait” and then get there and they look at us like we are crazy because we didn’t make a reservation? I wanted to bitch them out for making a stupid suggestion to us, but the atmosphere was snobby so we just left. I wish I could have bitched them out. I wanted to really bad. But Ashley isn’t confrontational, and I didn’t want to cause a scene.

Instead, to the 4 people that read this blog and to the googlers who put “Houston” and “Benjy’s” into their search, don’t go there!!! The rude wait staff is enough to not ever try that place for real.

Sunday we went to Ikea and bought a coffee table, canopy bed for the guest bedroom, lamps, and a duvet cover before heading home. I spent three hours putting that bloody thing together and still haven’t finished. I was making great time until it came to the part of putting the metal support beams in.

I have no idea what the directions are describing visually. Ashley has the same bed, and I can’t figure out the jimmy-rigged system her and her boyfriend used. ARGH!

Okay, that’s all for now – except to say that Grey’s Anatomy was killer awesome AGAIN yesterday. I love that show, especially in HD. ;)

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