A little back story before I begin. My whole life I was raised as a conservative, a Republican. And I'm proud of that. I remember the signed autograph Gramps had in his office from Ronald Regan and thinking that was the coolest picture I've ever seen. I fondly remember being told by FBI agents in first grade that my dad needed to "move along now" after he discovered the somewhat secret motorcade route for Ronald Regan, as he was speaking at the Mesquite Rodeo in 1988. It was so cool that I got a wave back from Ronald Regan, even though he was probably wondering what these hillbillies were up to!!
I smile when I think about the letter from George Bush Senior I got in the mail that had a P.S. at the end of a ridiculous form letter mentioning something about my dog, Fefe. I’m pretty sure my parents have it saved somewhere in the closet. Or stupidly threw it away when we moved in middle school.
Essentially, I was taught to follow politics from a young age and how important it is to make your voice heard. I'm so proud my parents instilled that in me.
And I still hold a few beliefs on the Republican front, such as idea of limited government and some of the more libertarian-based economic beliefs.
But my issue is this– the current administration isn't limiting government (see Patriot Act as a prime example) and given the current mortgage crisis and pending (or currently existing in my opinion) recession, the root of the current state of economy lies in flawed legislation and the hope that our corporations can take care of themselves. It seems they can, at the cost of decent people's jobs and homes.
And I'm sorry, but "helping" people by giving them a month waiver on their mortgage or a $600 tax break in June isn't going to solve anything (and it kinda pisses me off because I can still pay my mortgage), just appeases the situation for awhile and gives a monetary spark to our economy that will fade as soon as the current administration rides into the sunset. And I'm also going to throw out the blame on the Democrat side as well for that stupidity... seriously guys, is that all you can come up with?!
I do like the idalistic view of corporate and personal decision making economics – but clearly, it's flawed to an extent. Many are not capable of personal decision making (cough, the large amount of individuals who fell for the sub-prime mortgages; COUGH – if it is too good to be true, it is people) and corporations like Exxon Mobil who make hand over fist in serious cash while charging me a crap load at the pump. Screw supply and demand economics here to explain their profits – something just isn't right.
Then last year I took this Washington Post-sponsored quiz on Facebook (stop laughing, I'm going somewhere) and realized that all the things I believe in (environmental responsibility, financially helping the needy through more government programs, even if that means I, as a higher tax bracket, have to pay more) speak more to my moral compass and Christian-based beliefs (except abortion, which I still am very much against) than the current state of the Republican party.
And I'm lucky and blessed to have a beautiful home and a decent amount of money in the bank. But many families don't have the opportunities I had growing up and they should – and we CAN fix that.
I'll say this – no party is perfect, right or accurate all of the time. If they were, we'd all be living in picket-fenced houses eating the same food, driving the same cars and all have X dollars in the bank. And living in 1984.
But we don't. And I'm sick and tired of the same crap coming out of politicians’ mouths and hearing the same arguments over and over again. And for once, someone wants to change that. And I hope he can. And after listening to him speak for an hour, he knows that it won't be easy and it may not be successful. But he's going to try. And I'm glad. Because even if he doesn't get elected, hopefully his campaign strategies are sending the right message to Washington.
And sidebar, I'm married to a libertarian, so it is a fun time in our house right now :)
Feel free to disagree with me, or agree – unlike some of the idiots I was standing next to at yesterday's rally (Not you Kristine... I'm talking about the guy that wouldn't shut up about "gay republican jenga." What on earth was that all about?!) – I don't judge, I don't make fun or insult individuals who share a differing political opinion than I do. Because when you do that, you continue to polarize this country and no one wins.
Oh and also, I don’t claim to know every and all aspects of politics – I’m just an average 26 year-old woman trying to make it in the world ;)
So, enjoy the pictures on my Facebook account from the rally with my witty descriptors. They're linked here (and there is also a link to Kristine's pictures that she took):
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