
American in Paris, Part II.... not really

I've been really busy at work and at home (Justin's been sick a lot lately) so I haven't had a chance to write much.

But I wanted to tell you about a horrible thing I witnessed yesterday.

I was sitting at the light at William Cannon/290, and I see a big 18-wheeler truck go by in the right hand lane. There is this big, old tree that hangs over part of the intersection, and I guess when he hit one of the limbs in the tree, it knocked this poor squirrel out of the tree and into oncoming traffic.

He's trying to get away, but part of his body is paralyzed from the fall, and a car is coming! I look away, because I've never killed an animal with my car before, and I just can't watch this poor little squirrel go like this.

I wait a few seconds -- and it turns out the car that was about to hit him stopped and waited for the poor squirrel to get to safety. YAY! That's why I love Austin -- any other stupid town, the person would have just run over the little guy.

The end. It ended up being a fairly non-horrible story.

1 comment:

becki said...

Naye judgy judgerton! I would have TOTALLY stopped for a squirrel or any other animal! And I don't live in Austin. :)